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Hellmoo Fish, their locations and bait.

Fish Location Bait Notes
Anchovy Saltwater Worm Categorized as 'bait fish'. Seen on birdshit.
Silverfish Saltwater Worm Seen on birdshit. Another 'bait fish'.
Black Sea Drum Coastal Saltwater Worm
Jumping Mullet Coastal Saltwater Worm
Bluefish Coastal Saltwater Worm
Croaker Coastal Saltwater Worm
One-eyed Sea Weasel Coastal Saltwater Worm
Cobia Coastal Saltwater Worm
Flounder Coastal Saltwater Worm
Boozacuda Coastal Saltwater Worm
Lizardfish Coastal Saltwater Worm
Rapefish Coastal Saltwater Porn
Policefish Freshwater Worm
Candiru Freshwater Penis
Red Snapper Freshwater Worm
Chomoscar Freshwater Porn
Leech Freshwater Raw Meat
Piranha Freshwater Worm
Baby Bladefish Freshwater Worm
Snork Freshwater Porn/Any Gem Topaz is most reliable.
Aristurtle Freshwater Worm
Nukafish Freshwater Spent Fuel Rod/Plutonium Found below or around Crater Rim bridge.
Moron Fish Freshwater Worm
Zombiefish Freshwater Worm Can be caught in Bradbury Basement.
Ouananiche Freshwater Worm
Atlantic Mackerel Offshore Saltwater Worm
Goldeneye Offshore Saltwater Worm
Octopoid Offshore Saltwater Worm
Homerfish Offshore Saltwater Donut Have only caught in Samsara with a lobster claw at 23 fish. They're catchable again.
Bream Offshore Saltwater Worm
Dwarf Giant Squid Offshore Saltwater Worm
Unibomb Offshore Saltwater Grenade (Any Explosive?) Seen often in Bay of Freedom and Tortuga.
Haddock Offshore Saltwater Worm
Flathead Catfish Offshore Saltwater Worm Categorically a freshwater bottom fish. Seen on Tortuga, birdshit, and Conventry.
Goatfish Offshore Saltwater Worm Categorically a freshwater bottom fish. Will bite for anything afaik. Seen on birdshit.
Redeye Bass Freshwater Worm
Electric Eel Freshwater Worm
Mask Replica Trout Freshwater Worm
Black Crappie Freshwater Worm
Junkiefish Freshwater Any Drug Crank and Stimutacs have worked.
Bulletfish Freshwater Any Ammo 6mm and 9mm clips have worked.
Red-Eared Slider Turtle Freshwater Worm
Nazi Turtle Freshwater Worm
Toxic Slug Crater Forest Ant Head
Baby Acid Gar Floodplains Zombie Meat
Ghostfish Floodplains Zombie Meat
Toxic Hagfish Floodplains Zombie Meat
Gravelash Jellyfish Floodplains Zombie Meat Tile North of the LHC island.
Abomelette Floodplains Crack Samsara exclusive. Seemingly more discriminating than junkiefish. Hasn't bit for other drugs.
Blobfish Jerkway Worm In Samsara, all jerkway fish are freshwater, thus not exclusive to the jerkway.
Olm Jerkway Worm
Grinner Jerkway Worm
Rockback Jerkway Worm
Dimfish Jerkway Worm
Chudfish Jerkway Worm
Silverfin Jerkway Worm
Thornscale Jerkway Worm
Mudcrawler Jerkway Worm
Viperfish Jerkway Worm

Other Shit to note:

𓆟 "Worm" is both the item itself and a stand-in for any generic bait (maggots, sand grubs, etc.)

𓆟 Set your fishing rod to 1m. It reduces risk of the line snapping during reeling and time spent reeling.

𓆟 Fishing with a carbon rod won't buff your fishing skill or improve your catch rate or anything. What makes the carbon rod special is a feature it has that lets you see how plentiful the fish are in a given tile.

𓆟 If you sit in a water tile, any text about the fish you see swimming beneath its surface means those fish are actually catchable from that specific tile.

𓆟 Lobster claws/presumably regular claws are helpful in this regard, especially if you have a sub-17 fish total since it'll give you messages about what fish there are in a tile whenever you fail a roll. Fish caught with claws will not survive. Seems you need better totals than 17 if you want to catch 'special bait' fish.

𓆟 Floodplains fish eat and kill other fish in tanks, including each other. Display them separately.

𓆟 Miniature Ross Seals sometimes spawn on the shelf in the Kakuri Monastery Basement. There is no way to fish for them normally.

𓆟 Used Condoms are a freshwater bottom fish that can be scavved from the alley behind the Orphanage. Yet to be seen in the wild, but apparently they were out there at one point, long ago...

Gymnopédie No. 1 - Ruth White