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Ore and Gem Locales (Hugely WIP)

Collapsed Tunnel (aphotic grotto): quartz (25), zinc (1), borax (2)

Glowing Tunnel (aphotic grotto): quartz (33), amethyst (6), borax (1)

Dark Tunnel (aphotic grotto): quartz (10), ruby (5), borax (1), topaz (3), amethyst (4), iron (3), gold nugget (4), diamond (1), peridot (2), zinc (2), sapphire (3)

The Pit (aphotic grotto) : quartz (2), peridot (1), diamond (1), zinc (1), gold nugget (1), cummingtonite (1), sapphire

Spider Lair (underground river): gold nugget (4), topaz (9), peridot (3), sapphire (5), cummingtonite (8), zinc (3), ruby (5), diamond (5), iron (8), quartz (7)

Mining Tunnel (underground river): copper (4), acanthite (4), rutile (5), bertrandite (1), galena (9), greenockite (3)

Mining Tunnel (underground mine): bauxite (1), copper (3), galena (3), acanthite (2), copper (2), greenockite (1), bertrandite (2)

Rat Nest (underground mine): rutile (2), bauxite (5), galena (2), greenockite (5), copper (3), bertrandite (2), acanthite (1)

Western Tunnel (beneath tortuga): topaz (2), iron (5), quartz (3), cummingtonite (1), sapphire (2), peridot (3), ruby (4), gold (5), opal (4), diamond (4), quartz (3)

Cave (beneath tortuga): topaz (3), iron (3), ruby (2), cummingtonite (7), sapphire (4), gold nugget (4), diamond (2), peridot (2), quartz  (2)

Main Shaft (screaming chasm): iron (11), greenockite (9), galena (6), rutile (5), bauxite (10), cummingtonite (6)

Crevice (screaming chasm): peridot (2), cummingtonite (3), quartz (3), ruby (3), gold nugget (2), iron (3), sapphire (2), topaz (2), diamond (1)

Winding Tunnel (screaming chasm): bauxite (3), greenockite (3), galena (5), rutile (1), iron (2), cummingtonite (1)

Downslope (screaming chasm): iron (1), rutile (1), bauxite (1)

Fumarole Cavern (screaming chasm): bauxite (4), cummingtonite (9), galena (8), iron (7), greenockite (7), rutile (1)

Access Shaft Theta (screaming chasm): cummingtonite (3), bauxite (5), greenockite (5), iron (1), rutile (2), tantalum (3), lanthanum (1)

(macero): sapphire (6), opal (5), copper (5), ruby (4), rutile (4), quartz (4), gold nugget (3), topaz (3)

(macero): rutile (3), topaz (2), gold nugget (1), ruby (1), sapphire (2), opal (2), copper (1)


+ Most mining locations have the same pools.

+ Aphotic grotto is radioactive. Chimaeras/grue are dangerous to the tender and inattentive and will eat your ores alongside those damned slugs.

+ Spiders in underground river will also eat your ores.

+ Macromites in the tortuga mine will not eat your ores.

+ Ash beasts in screaming chasm can feint the stupid and set you on fire. There are slugs here too but if you're mining for tantalum and lanthanum, you will probably collapse the mine enough nothing'll be able to enter til you clear the debris yourself. Bring healing items.

+ I have yet to find any emeralds. Go farm nulls instead.

c16 deep tread - Autechre