[Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:08 p.m.] Pyramid: Finally [Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:08 p.m.] Pyramid: Sorry, like ships in the night. [Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:08 p.m.] Pyramid: Wanna get married? [Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:08 p.m.] Father: [to Pyramid] omg [Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:09 p.m.] Father: [to Pyramid] yes.... [Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:09 p.m.] Pyramid: Gimme a sec to get Dia [Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:11 p.m.] Pyramid: Please go to your preferred wedding venue [Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:11 p.m.] Pyramid: Then alert us. [Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:11 p.m.] Father: [to Pyramid] alright! [Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:19 p.m.] Father: [to Pyramid] okay. i'm in place. o-%%o-o-o- Wrecked Clinic (necropolis gate) 7:29pm ==##====== A ramshackle collection of partly toppled and collapsed metal o-||()o-:: shelving. The floor is a broken tableau of ceiling tiles and o-||o-:::: ripped carpet. Fist sized holes are punched in the ceiling. The o-||:::::: thin grey light outdoors is dying, night must approach. A dull black door leads west, to the street. A bright green goo is pooled in one corner. A huge treasure hunter is lying on the ground here. [ Exits: west ] Father slides its sonic scalpel back into its sheath. Father gets out its towel. Father wipes itself down with its towel. Squeaky clean! Pyramid comes in from the door to the west. Father wrings out its towel. Some oil drips from the towel onto the ground. The room suddenly gets darker for a moment as High Priestess Dia steps out of the twisting shadows. The door to the west swings shut. You curtsey. Pyramid says, "We respectfully became your kin, for the occasion." Pyramid curtseys at you. High Priestess Dia curtseys. Father says, "kin and ken" Pyramid exclaims, "Dia!" You pat the body of huge treasure hunter. Pyramid exclaims, "Summon the groom!" High Priestess Dia says, "Hi this is me." A DeadKnight crawls out of a demonic portal.

You blush. Pyramid exclaims, "Hail, Deadknight!" Father genuflects before Deadknight and kisses its hand. The DeadKnight exclaims, "HAIL!" Pyramid asks, "Do you, Father, take Deadknight to be your lawfully wedded guardian, to have and to hold, unto eternity?" Father says, "I do." Pyramid says, "Do you, Deadknight, swear to protect and honour Our Father, who walks upon the earth?"" The DeadKnight says, "I DO." Father blushes more profoundly. Pyramid says, "Then by the power invested in me by the Abom King & the Former Cascadian Republic, I declare you..." Pyramid exclaims, "FREAKED OUT!" Pyramid exclaims, "Dia, fireworks!" You smooch the DeadKnight. High Priestess Dia points a big chinese firework tube toward the ceiling and lights the fuse. BANG! High Priestess Dia screams as the big chinese firework tube goes off in her hand! High Priestess Dia looks dizzy as blood gushes from her hand wounds. Pyramid exclaims, "YEAH!!!!" Father exclaims, "I'm married to the lovely DeadKnight!"